UK no-sign up Motorcycle Home Mechanic Guide - Manual / Resource - Page 9
Checking fluid levels in
your motorcycle
How much does it cost to top up your
motorcycle’s fluid levels?
Only small quantities of engine oil or coolant should be needed for
topping up. If not, you may have a leak and should investigate and
replace parts using your Haynes Manual as soon as possible.
Although it varies depending on the vehicle and the quality of product
required, a litre of engine oil or premixed coolant will normally cost from
less than £10.
How much do different fluids cost?
Engine oil
Brake/clutch fluid
£5-£25 per litre
£5-£20 per litre
£8-£60 per litre
How much could I save?
You could save between £50 and £100 on garage labour fees by doing
your own fluid level checks/top-ups.
When topping up your motorcycle’s fluids, you must always make sure
that the new fluids are the correct spec for your bike. Many websites ask
you to enter your motorcycle’s registration number, which then allows
them to narrow down your choice to the correct fluids. Nevertheless,
it’s worth double-checking before you buy. It’s also worth comparing
prices on a number of retailers’ websites (Halfords, Demon Tweeks,
Sports Bike Shop etc) before ordering.