UK no-sign up Motorcycle Home Mechanic Guide - Manual / Resource - Page 8
Check the condition of the swingarm bushings by moving the rear
wheel side to side, looking for play. Look for missing nuts and bolts, and
occasionally check all of them for tightness, especially on singles and
twins that vibrate a lot.
Look for signs of blown seals in
the motorcycle fork and shock or
shocks, which typically presents
itself as an oily residue which
collects dirt and dust. Do a couple
of bounces while sitting on the
bike to check that nothing is
binding or bent.
With the front wheel off the ground, test that the bike’s steering stem
bearings are tight with no play in them and no resistance or notchiness
in the steering. Check the drive belt or chain for proper tension, and
damage or wear; lubricate the chain.
This is the last thing you check, often as you fold it up and ride off. Make
sure the side and centre stand (and “jiffy stand” if you own a Harley)
fold back and stay in place securely with the spring. On bikes with a side
stand interlock, test the function by trying to put the bike into gear with
the stand down (it should stall).
This motorcycle checklist may seem long and complicated, but once you
go over the bike a few times it will become second nature.
An extra few minutes spent on making these checks before every ride
could save you money, by spotting loose fasteners before anything falls
off for instance. And this pre-ride check just might save your life by
catching a catastrophic failure before it happens.