UK no-sign up Motorcycle Home Mechanic Guide - Manual / Resource - Page 5
spots or wobbles that would indicate the wheel is out of true; even cast
alloy wheels can go out of true because of potholes or minor accidents.
Don’t forget to look at your
motorcycle’s brake discs and other
hardware while you’re checking the
wheels. Check that there is plenty
of pad left and that the rotors
haven’t become warped or grooved
– you’ll be able to feel this via a
pulsing when you apply the brakes.
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Check the brake and clutch lever
handles; be sure they pivot freely,
are lubricated and that the pivot
bolt and nut are there and tight.
Also check the hydraulic system’s
fluid level. Look over the entire
length of the brake (and clutch)
hoses and notice any cuts,
swelling, or pinches that may be an indication of a failure in the near
future. Don’t forget to check the rear brake pedal and fluid as well, or
check for proper linkage adjustment if a mechanical drum.
Modern bikes use fewer cables these days, even for throttles. Be sure
your cables are well lubricated with no kinks or pinches in the housing
(don’t forget the speedometer and tachometer, if you have older