UK no-sign up Motorcycle Home Mechanic Guide - Manual / Resource - Page 36
3 Clean road dirt and brake dust from the mouth of the caliper. Aerosol
brake cleaner and an old toothbrush are ideal for this. It’s important
to clean around each piston because they need to be pushed back into
the caliper to make room for the extra thickness of the new pads. Also
clean the pad spring and any pad guides.
4 A sliding-type caliper has the pistons on one side only and it mounts
onto a bracket. Slider pins enable the caliper to move in relation to the
bracket. Separate the caliper from the bracket so that the slider pins
can be cleaned and the rubber dust boots checked for damage. Smear
silicone grease into the boots and onto the slider pins and slide the
caliper back onto the bracket, making sure the boot lips seat in their