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other. Continuity can be checked with a multimeter or with a dedicated
continuity tester, and is confirmed by a beep or a light. If there is no
beep or light there is a break somewhere in the circuit, in other words
no continuity. Because the test involves passing a small current down
the wire, the checks must be made with the ignition OFF, and as an extra
precaution you should also disconnect the battery negative lead.
All circuits must go to a good
earth, either via an earth wire
or by the component mounting
directly to the engine or frame,
which ultimately leads back to the
battery negative terminal. To check
for continuity to earth connect
one probe of your meter or tester
to the earth wire terminal in the
connector or to the mounting of
the component itself, and the other
to the frame, engine, or battery
negative terminal. Continuity
should be indicated if the earth
is good. If no continuity is shown,
there is a broken wire or corroded
or loose earth point.
A voltage check can determine
whether power is reaching a
component. Use a multimeter set
to the dc (direct current) voltage
scale, or a test light. The test light
is the cheaper component, but the
meter has the advantage of being
able to give a voltage reading.
The finer details of electrical system testing and the use of test
equipment are contained in the Haynes manual for your bike.