UK no-sign up Motorcycle Home Mechanic Guide - Manual / Resource - Page 31
How to check for an electrical fault
Always start with the obvious and the simple. First, if nothing works, check
the battery, and then check the main fuse. If a light does not work, check if
the bulb has blown. If none of the components running off the same fuse
work, check the fuse. Next check that the wiring connectors are securely
connected, and that none of the wires in the connector have come loose.
Intermittent failures can be especially frustrating, since you can’t always
duplicate the failure when it’s convenient to test. If that is the case, clean
and check all the connections in the affected circuit using an electrical
cleaning spray along with fine sandpaper, steel wool or a scouring pad to
remove corrosion, and an electrical protection spray to prevent further