UK no-sign up Motorcycle Home Mechanic Guide - Manual / Resource - Page 17
3 Pull the dust cap off the bleed
valve on the caliper, fit the
spanner over the hex on the
valve and connect the hose to
the valve. Submerge the other
end of the hose in the fluid in the
4 Pump the brake lever and hold
it in, then open the bleed valve
a quarter turn. When the valve
is opened, brake fluid will flow
out into the clear tubing, and
the lever travel will extend to
the handlebar. Tighten the bleed
valve, then slowly release the
5 If there is air in the system you will see air bubbles in the fluid coming
out of the caliper, but not necessarily on the first pump. Repeat the
process until no air bubbles have been seen for a few pumps, and the
lever is firm when applied. Remember to keep an eye on the fluid level
in the reservoir during the procedure.