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How to do fluid level checks
Checking the oil, coolant, and brake and clutch fluid levels on your
motorcycle is a straightforward job that takes seconds to do. Some
fluids should be checked once a week but others can go for longer
before they need to be examined. And bear in mind that if your
motorcycle has shaft drive, or separate primary drive and transmission
oils, these will need to be checked, too.
This task requires no experience. You won’t need any tools - just some
paper towels and maybe a funnel for topping up.
How long should your motorcycle’s fluids last?
With the advent of modern oils and additives, engine oil and coolant
lasts longer than it ever has – but that doesn’t mean you should ignore
the service intervals.
■ It’s generally recommended that you change your oil annually or at
least every 4,000 miles.
■ Coolant generally has a much longer service life, with some
manufacturers recommending a two-year change.
With engine oil and coolant, it’s important that you consult your
handbook, or Haynes manual to find out the correct intervals for your